My beliefs are based on four simple words
Guest Commentary by Dr. Jerry Kaifetz
Northwest Indiana Times, Feb. 10, 2006
Proponents of evolutionary theory seem to often leave off that last word: theory. It is routinely assumed that evolution is science, when in fact it has never been more than theory.
For a theory to become science, it must meet two criteria: 1.) It must be observable; 2.) It must be reproducible in a laboratory. Evolution fails on both counts! The fossil record does not contain any intermediary species. The missing links are still missing.
More than 400 scientists have now signed onto a growing list of skeptics doubting that random mutation and natural selection can account for the complexity of life, according to the Seattle-based Discovery Institute.
“Darwin’s theory of evolution is the great white elephant of contemporary thought,” said David Berlinski, a mathematician with The Center for Science and Culture.
About 700 scientists from Africa, Europe and the United States attended the “Darwin and Design” conference recently to press their contention that evolution cannot explain the origins of life.
Other prominent biologists who have signed the CSC list include evolutionary biologist and author Stanley Salthe and Richard von Sternberg, an evolutionary biologist at the Smithsonian Institution. The list also includes scientists from Princeton, Cornell, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Ohio State University, Purdue and the University of Washington.
Darwin theorized that all living things evolved from simple organisms. Over countless generations, he claimed, random mutations have occurred with the strongest surviving.
The great embarrassment to evolutionists is the complete absence of evidence to indicate that any random mutation has ever been beneficial to an organism. No wart has ever become an eye!
A recent CBS poll has shown that most Americans believe the Bible is true in teaching that God created man in the last 10,000 years. Hundreds of top-flight scientists from the world’s best schools do not believe in evolutionary theory.
So why are evolutionists so desperate to marginalize creationists and proponents of intelligent design? Why can they not allow a rational debate to take place in an open public forum?
Perhaps they hold to the belief that we Americans are simply too dumb to make a choice, and they should function as our self-appointed guardians of an unproven theory whose inventor held no degree in any field of science.
I have no quarrel with anyone’s right to express faith in evolutionary theory.
I simply prefer to place my faith in the first four words of a book that has been upheld by more than 50,000 scientific discoveries in the field of archaeology alone: “In the beginning, God.”